- Publications
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- Publications
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- Publications
- The Academicians
The members of the ASL include some of the leading, most successful and accomplished Lebanese scientists working inside and outside of Lebanon, as well as a smaller number of prominent foreign scientists, including some who are of Lebanese origin, or who can contribute to the growth of the sciences in Lebanon. Membership in the ASL is a merit-based high honor conferred by election.
All ASL Academicians provide their services pro bono, i.e. voluntarily and without payment, as a public service.At present, the ASL has 28 Academicians.

Académie des Sciences du Liban
University of Balamand- Main Campus
P.O. Box 33, Amioun -Al-Kurah, Lebanon
Phone: +961 6 930250 Extension 3780
Fax: +961 6 930241
Office: Murr 206 B
Email: asduliban@balamand.edu.lb