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- Publications
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- Young Scholars of the ASL
The Young Scholars of the Lebanese Academy of Sciences (YSLAS) group is a category of association with the ASL, restricted to young scientists (below 40 years of age) and created with the goals of:
- offering young scientists of exceptional promise the opportunity to interact with members the ASL, especially members with whom they have common research interests.
- creating opportunities for such promising young scientists to connect with research groups beyond their home institutions.
- recruiting young scientists who are motivated and energized to actively contribute to the ASL’s activities.
- helping the Academy learn from the perspectives of young scientists and increase the diversity of scientists involved in its activities.
To achieve these goals,
- each Young Scholar will be mentored by an ASL Academician having expertise in the Scholar’s general research area. The Mentor will help the Young Scholar connect with leading research groups and apply for research funding opportunities.
- each Young Scholar may be asked to serve as a non-voting member on ASL working groups. Young Scholars are expected and encouraged to be active members of the working groups on which they serve and to contribute to the research and preparation of ASL studies and reports.
- each Young Scholar will be part of the “YSLAS Body”. This Body will
- meet at least twice a year, either in Lebanon or through the Internet. These regular meetings, in which mentors are encouraged to participate, are meant to foster links between Young Scholars and between their institutions, and to organize activities, events, and seminars.
- elect a new chair from among its members every year.
- have one ASL academician, appointed by the ASL, who acts as a liaison between the Body and the ASL.
Membership Nomination and Selection Process
Nominations for potential selection as a Young Scholar of the ASL will be initiated by an ASL Academician. The nominations will be screened by the YSLAS Selection Committee and subsequently reviewed and voted on by the general membership of the ASL. If a nomination is successful, a Young Scholar will have a 5-year-long non-renewable and non-voting association with the ASL.

Académie des Sciences du Liban
University of Balamand- Main Campus
P.O. Box 33, Amioun -Al-Kurah, Lebanon
Phone: +961 6 930250 Extension 3780
Fax: +961 6 930241
Office: Murr 206 B
Email: asduliban@balamand.edu.lb